Excellent Bone Helm
Celestial Bow +9
Wings of Darkness
Wings of Dragon
Excellent Sphinx Pants
Excellent Scale Armor
Unicorn Staff
Excellent Vine Pants
Excellent Legendary Staff
Jewel of Chaos
Excellent Bone Gloves
Excellent Bone Armor
Excellent Pad Gloves
Excellent Leather Boots
Excellent Vine Armor
Excellent Bone Pants
Excellent Silk Helm
Excellent Vine Boots
Excellent Scale Helm
Excellent Silk Boots
Excellent Pendant of Lighting
Excellent Bone Boots
Excellent Dragon Slayer Shield
Excellent Silk Pants
Wings of Soul
Excellent Vine Gloves
Excellent Pad Pants
Excellent Short Bow
Excellent Leather Armor
Excellent Bronze Gloves
Excellent Kris
Excellent Pendant of Fire
Excellent Small Shield
Excellent Crossbow
Wings of Dragon +7
Skeleton Mace
Excellent Sphinx Mask
Excellent Pad Boots
Excellent Brass Pants